What is the draw to become a massage therapist?
I asked a few of our employees how their career lead them to me and our day spa as massage therapists. Here is what they shared.
Jill explained that she needed to learn something new. She had been working in sales since graduating college and just found herself bored. Originally her major had been kinesiology but then she dabbled in dietetics as well. She new she had an interest in the body so she decided to learn more about massage. She started massage school and loved it. She didn’t officially begin working right away as a massage therapist until her first daughter was born. Now being a massage therapist has the flexibility she needs to raise her children.
Reshona told me that she started massage school shortly after completing her degree. She had been a Spanish major but new she wanted to explore massage therapy. As a young girl she had always massaged her family. She loved massaging their feet and walking on their backs. She would ask them to let her give them a massage! She has made this her full time career. She enjoys the clients, helping them feel great and the flexibility.
Amy was burned out from her career as a teacher. She was also training daily in martial arts. As she was doing her martial arts training she would find herself giving massages to some of the other students in her martial arts classes after workouts. She just made it up along the way but realized that their was something to it and that she was actually good at giving massages! She began massage school, ended up teaching massage for a while and has been at Brennan Massage since the first year we opened.
Nicole became a massage therapist because she use to massage her mom to sleep. Her mom said she was great and should go to massage school so she did. She ended up loving her anatomy classes and learning how to take care of the body. She is a natural nurturer.
As for my story, I had always had an interest in energy work. I also remember in my art classes constantly drawing or sculpting the human figure. Figure painting was always my favorite class. After working as an art teacher for a long time I decided to explore massage therapy and this career has proven positive for me and I plan on doing this for a long time.
What our stories have in common is an interest in the human form. Some of us realized this when we were young, others later on but in the end we are here now using massage therapy to help bring comfort to people and their bodies. I know my massage team does all they can to help people feel great. Im also glad we are all here doing something we love.
Your can read more about our staff here!