Relaxation Resolution 2020
Enter this new year with a relaxed state of mind. After all the holiday excitement it is time to slow down in January. Make relaxation part of your New Years Resolution. The dictionary says that relaxation is a state of freedom from tension and anxiety. This year allow your self to enjoy guilt free relaxation. This means that when tension and anxiety are on the rise just stop, breath and without guilt relax.
When we are stressed it is hard to be present and our best self. Overall being our best self is what we need out of our day for our jobs, families and self. If relaxing can assist us in this human need then we know it is important to our lives and health.
We all know how we like to relax. It is different for everyone. Use what works for you. Some suggestions for creating relaxation in your day is to be conscious of your breathing. Make sure you are taking deep inhalations and slow exhalations. Soak in nature when you can. Even if the weather does not seem nice the fresh air and sun are still always there. Lay down and just be. Sometimes we need to just stop all the running from one errand to another. Being still is healing for your mind, body and spirit.
This month we are featuring our most relaxing spa services. These sessions are designed not just to soothe sore muscles but to use relaxation as the main source of wellness. Clients will be able to save on 4 relaxing sessions. The first is our Lavender Blossom 4 Handed Massage. This combines the talents of 2 therapist relaxing you from head to toe. Our Shirodhara treatment will enhance a full body Swedish massage to put client into a deep state of relaxation. Our Argan Peptide Age Illumine Facial will soothe and refresh your skin in a delicate and gentle way and our Healing Meditation Massage will open deep emotional and spiritual tension leaving your body relaxed and restored.
January is the perfect time to set healthy goals for 2020. Try your best to treat yourself well. Life moves to fast to forget to create space for your needs.