Spa Safety

If anyone is in need of healing touch but is feeling hesitant about feeling safe at the spa then we have some recommendations for you! On our brochure, you will see 5 treatments that we offer that may make you feel more confident in receiving...

The turn our world has taken came on suddenly. We have been stunned, confused, scared, nervous and so much more. We have also been able to reflect on what is most important to us. Our families and our health. We have a lot to be...

Brennan Massage & Spa has been re-opened for just over 8 weeks. We have restructured our business in an effort to follow the many guidelines that have been made for our industry and to keep everyone as safe as possible. We are feeling confident in these...

With all the changes happening in the world we have made changes too. Some have been hard, but others we have welcomed. We have been pushed to learn new approaches to managing our business, our customers, and our services. Enhancing various services has been really exciting...

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