We All Need a Good Neck and Shoulder Massage Sometimes!
Neck & Shoulder Massage
Last Saturday I was reminded of how much we need a good neck and shoulder massage sometimes. We sent out a mini promo for a 30-minute neck and shoulder massage for $30. It was a hit. Not just because of a great deal but because we all need it!
Taking a 1/2 hour to have a massage therapist focus only on neck and shoulders gives us the opportunity to address tension from working at our computers, tension from stress, tension from yard work etc… and headaches! The almighty migraines!
There are quite a few muscles we can easily address in a 30-minute neck and shoulder rub.
In the neck area, we can massage the suboccipital, the levator scapula, scalenes, and sternocleidomastoid. In the shoulder area, we can easily address the trapezius, rhomboids, and deltoids. Please view the diagram.
We can manipulate the soft tissue through massage, trigger point therapy, heat packs and stretching. The neck and shoulders will feel softer and soothed, stretched and release. An article from massage magazine explains the benefits of soft tissue massage for neck and shoulders.
Another massage that we offer that is great for working out the neck and shoulders more therapeutically is our Back Attack Massage. As the name states, it is a massage that focuses a lot of attention to the back but it would not be complete without deep tissue work to the neck and shoulders as well. In this massage, we integrate heat packs and a muscle-soothing Arnica massage oil. Arnica has many benefits for aches and pains. We use Arnica oil from our skin care line Naturopathica that people love.
Next time you are feeling stressed and sore try unwinding with a 30-minute massage. Ask the therapist to focus on your neck and shoulders only. This way you will get the full 1/2 hour of the massage devoted to those areas and I can guarantee you will feel great! If you have the time treat yourself to the hour!
Schedule a Back Attack Massage Today!