Myofascial Massage Feature

Myofascial Massage

For over a year now I have been waiting to feature a massage that emphasizes myofascial massage techniques. Finally, after some classes, staff training, getting through the holidays and prepping our promotion the Myofascial Melt Away is here. Myofascial massage makes contact with our fascia, also called connective tissue. This connective tissue surrounds everything in our body from our bones and muscles to ligaments, organs and blood vessels.  When applying myofascial techniques the massage therapist is helping the body move through areas of resistance in the fascia. By doing this, barriers can be released, restoring comfort and rejuvenation to the body and the whole person.

myofascial melt away massage


The Myofascial Melt Away is a 90-minute massage. The first 1/2 hour of the massage is devoted to integrating myofascial work to the back and shoulders. The therapists will drape the back with a warm towel, apply soothing compression’s through the heat and then move into rebounding the body. Rebounding is a light rocking to the body which uses the bodies fluids to break fascial barriers. As the body begins to let go the therapist will then sustain pressure to areas on the body with various myofascial release techniques. Pressure is sustained for no shorter than 90-120 seconds. This allows the fascia to melt through its tension and let go. The first 1/2 hour closes with more warm towels and rebounding.

The massage then continues for the final hour with a Swedish or deep tissue massage. The therapist may continue to integrate myofascial work where needed.  To close the massage a final neck traction and release is performed if desired. The neck is slowly stretched over the massage table and the weight of the clients head opens the chest and neck area while upside down. The massage therapist will confirm with the customer if they want to include the traction or try it at another time before the session begins.

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