After the long, bright and busy days of summer it is time to rest, heal and restore ourselves in fall. The earth offers so many comforts for us to absorb in this restful season. As much as we love our long summer days, when the sun sets for the first time at 5 we welcome the early closure of the day. The short days lead us gently home to our families. Although the air is cool and crisp, the colors, the smells, the food and the people keep us warm through and through.
This fall recognizes restoration when it presents itself to you. When you smell a distant chimney stoking, or stand in awe admiring the changing colors and leaves fluttering in the wind when your silent breath visibly leaves your body on a cool, clear moonlit night then absorb the moment. Stop, breath and slow down.
To heal is to find inner peace and comfort in a day or a moment and mother earth’s changes can balance our minds, bodies, and spirits. We cannot bloom for spring if we don’t rest through the winter. We need our long winter nights to restore for our long summer days.
So go home and rest. Curl up with a book and a cup of tea, take a slow walk, eat a hearty meal with a glass of Merlot, enjoy sitting around the fireplace with family, go to bed early, watch good movies and just rest.
Restore yourself in sync with the earth and when the sunlight busts through in May we will be ready.