Are Spas “Essential”?
What a question to answer at this time! There are so many opinions about what constitutes an essential business. In many ways, our day spa is not essential and of course, shutting down for the greater good was important. We will do it again without question if a temporary closure contributes to the healing of our society. However, we have realized that while the spa industry is a luxury, what we offer for the individual is essential.
As body workers we’ve always supported the importance of self care and relaxation. Now during a pandemic, we are seeing how essential this relaxation time is for everyone. Customers have literally been craving stress reduction and have been so grateful for the restoration we have been able to provide for them. We have definitely been doing our most satisfying work.
When having an opportunity to relax we can create balance in our day. Troubleshooting our daily stress and demands can be done with more patience and mindfulness. If we can continue to support our customers’ need for a personal day through massage therapy then we can feel confident in being essential for our wellbeing and livelihood.
As we move into the unknown future for our industry, we will continue to know in our hearts that our healing touch has done some good. We will continue to create and provide service to help us all feel well and connected. Currently, we have put together a service called our Peace of Mind Restoration Treatment. This session releases tension in neck and shoulders includes a hair and scalp treatment and is enhanced with facial acupressure and a hand glow. Customers have been leaving transformed by this spa treatment. We hope that more customers will find time for this treatment or one of the many other services we have to offer. Feeling well is essential.